Thursday, 28 April 2011

VTU 8th Sem ECE Question Papers

Embedded Systems 4 papers
Embedded Systems

Wireless Communications 4 papers
Wireless Communications

Network Security 2 papers
Network Security

RTOS 1 paper
Real Time Operating System

Thanking You,

Saturday, 23 April 2011

Proud Of INDIA

An American decided to write a book about famous churches around the World. 

So he bought a plane ticket and took a trip to China . 

On his first day he was inside a church taking photographs when he
Noticed a golden telephone

Mounted on the wall with a sign that read
'$10,000 per call'. 

The American, being intrigued, asked a priest who was strolling by what
The telephone was used for. 

The priest replied that it was a direct line to heaven and that for
$10,000 you could talk to God.

The American thanked the priest and went along his way. 

Next stop was in Japan . There, at a very large cathedral, he saw the
Same golden telephone with the same sign under it. 

He wondered if this was the same kind of telephone he saw in China and
He asked a nearby nun what its purpose was. 

She told him that it was a direct line to heaven and that for $10,000
Could talk to God. 

' O.K., thank you,' said the American. 

He then traveled to Pakistan , Srilanka , Russia , Germany and France ... 

In every church he saw the same golden telephone with the same '$10,000
Per call' sign under it.
The American, upon leaving Vermont decided to travel to up to India to

See if Indians had the same phone. 

He arrived in India , and again, in the first church he entered, there
Was the same golden telephone, but this time the sign under it read

Rupee per call.' 

The American was surprised so he

Asked the priest about the sign.
'Father, I've traveled all over World and I've seen this same golden
Telephone in many churches. I'm told that it is a direct line to

But in the US the price was $10,000 per call. 

Why is it so cheap here?' 

Readers, it is your turn........ Think .....before you scroll down... 

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The priest smiled and answered, 'You're in India now, Son - it's aLocal Call'.
This is the only heaven on the Earth.



Saturday, 16 April 2011

Wall E

Wall E Robot Love Story
In the not so distant future, humans have quite literally trashed the planet to the point it's uninhabitable. With no means to sustain themselves – the plants have all died or are buried under miles of garbage – humans have fled in luxurious spaceships where their every whim is satisfied by robots. After hundreds of years living in space not having to move a muscle, we've devolved to the point of being fat couch potato globs that vaguely resemble the Pillsbury Doughboy.
Back on Earth, WALL-E (short for Waste Allocation Load Lifter Earth-Class) goes about his lonely job of compacting trash. It's what he was built for and programmed to do, and there's no reason for him to stop. He was inadvertently left turned on when everyone took off, so he goes about his work each and every day with only an indestructible cockroach named Hal for company. And after hundreds of years of this, WALL-E has developed a personality. He's an inquisitive little guy who collects weird items of trash that he then uses to furnish and decorate his home. He's also developed an affection for Hello, Dolly! and watches the old VHS tape over and over again.
Hello, Dolly! has taught WALL-E about holding hands and falling in love, and the lonesome robot has dreams of finding that someone special. After endless years of waiting, WALL-E's shot at love appears in the form of a glistening egg-shaped drone named EVE. EVE was sent to Earth to check for any signs of life, and our little WALL-E falls head over wheels for this state-of-the-art metallic cutie. He wants nothing more than to make a connection with this beauty, but EVE's not on the same wavelength. Fortunately, WALL-E's a persistent suitor and when EVE's sent back to report her findings to the people on board the Axiom spaceship, WALL-E goes along for the ride. Nothing will stop this starry-eyed robot from being with his EVE, not hundreds of thousands of miles of space travel, evil robots, or weird jelly-ish people who've lost all concept of what life on Earth was like before their ancestors all but destroyed our planet.
The Output
There are a number of important messages contained in WALL-E, but fundamentally it's a touching sci-fi love story. Yes, you can take from it the lesson of protecting our environment. And it's definitely a cautionary tale about our reliance on technology to do everyday tasks for us. But above all, WALL-E is simply one of the most romantic tales ever put on film.

With few spoken words, WALL-E relies on the movements of a trash compactor wearing binoculars to convey emotions and move forward the story. And because of the skills of the master storytellers and animators at Pixar, within 5 minutes WALL-E is no longer a mere robot but a real flesh/nuts and blood/bolts creature who feels things as deeply as humans.
The animation is stunning. The sound design is perfect, the little dialogue there is is witty, and the story flows smoothly without a single unnecessary minute to slow things down. And talk about pleasing an audience… The preview screening I attended sounded like a rock concert when the credits rolled. I've never heard an audience react so strongly to a film as they did at the end of WALL-E. The applause was loud and sustained, and people were all smiles as they exited the theater.
WALL-E's such a joyous film you can't help but be totally caught up in the world of a lonely robot looking for love. Pixar's put together yet another movie to be enjoyed by all ages and one sure to go down in history as one of the best animated movies ever created. I know those are strong words, but I believe they are completely justified.